Special Reports

July 26: News, Events, Curiosities | Almanac

Today the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Anne and Saint Joachim. Sant'Anna is considered the patroness of pregnant women and grandparents. San Gioacchino, her husband,...

Milan’s Transfer Triumph: Samuel Chukwueze’s Day

Milan is preparing to welcome Samuel Chukwueze today. Once the agreement between the clubs was definitively reached on Monday evening for 20 million plus...

Treating UK Players as EU: FIGC’s Request

In the midst of the summer transfer market, a fundamental turning point may come for the lists, starting with the next transfer market: players...

Israel’s Ehud Olmert Warns Of Civil War

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told Channel 4 News in the UK that Israel is entering a civil war after the government's first judicial...

Thai Street Food Franchise Pitaya Arrives in Albi

Pitaya, the undisputed leader in Thai street food franchises, opened a new establishment in the heart of Albi, in the Tarn, on July 12,...


