Special Reports

The UAE’s Lobbying Powerhouse: Mapping Its Influence on French Decision-Making

A recent investigation sheds light on the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) discreet lobbying efforts in France, mobilizing media outlets, companies, and think tanks to...

Innovative Climate Finance: COP28 President-designate’s

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, President-Elect of COP28, participated in high-level discussions on climate finance with US President Joe Biden and His Highness King Charles...

UN Condemns Book Burning In Historic Resolution

The UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday adopted a non-binding resolution against Quran burnings and religious hatred. This was at the end of a...

UK’s Arms Delivery To Ukraine: A Non-Amazon Approach

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said on Wednesday the UK was 'no Amazon' when it came to supplying arms to Ukraine, suggesting Kyiv could...

Dele Alli’s Inspiring Journey: Overcoming Addictions & Childhood Struggles

Everton's England midfielder Dele Alli said in an interview on Thursday that he had recently been released from rehab for a sleeping pill addiction,...


