
Faster-than-Expected Antarctic Ice Cap Retreat

Antarctica's ice sheets could be retreating faster than previously thought, with worrying consequences for sea level rise as well. The alarm comes from a new...

Overnight News: Germany, Algeria, Twitter & Laughing Gas

Germany on strike. “It has been a long time since there has been a strike of such magnitude in Germany”, underlines the Frankfurter Allegemeine...

ICC Prosecutor Faces Criminal Investigation In Moscow

Moscow has opened a criminal investigation against International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan after the Hague-based court issued an arrest warrant for President...

Tony Blair Urges Northern Ireland Compromise

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Thursday called on Northern Irish Unionists to follow the path of their predecessors who struck the peace...

Divided Europe: New GMOs And Drought Promises

As part of the revision of the GMO legislation which will be proposed by the Commission in a few months, genome editing techniques (NBT)...


