Rebecca Loos, the woman who loves Beckham


“It’s the most infelicious moment of all my life.” For the first time, the ex Spice Girls Victoria Beckham spoke about the former tradition of husband David Beckham with Rebecca Loos. Lo ha fatto nella new Netflix series Beckham, direct to the premiere Oscar Fisher Steven and now on Netflix.

David Beckham, born in 2003, transferred to Madrid, in Spain, through employment with Real Madrid. This year, as the Guardian writes, the calciatore passes a serata with a brown misteriosa. Era Rebecca Loos. Allora 26enne lavorava came as personal assistant to David Beckham, head of Victoria who was in the Regno Unito con i loro due figli piccoli, Brooklyn e Romeo, per non far interruptere loro la scuola. In the documentary, Beckham said he said terribly solo: “When my son transferred to Spain it was very difficult: with a football squad and a family with all my career, when I was 15 years old until 27. All you have to do is speak your language in a new city, and you don’t know how to speak the language. My favorite thing is not with my family.”

The British publication The News Of The World (published in 2011) was published in 2004 with a recent article by Beckham and Loos who has a long-term and diverse relationship. The personal assistant at the same time intervenes by number, joins Sky News and the presunta liason is initiated during a group meeting. “The story is huge and it’s a mess with him.” Rebecca Loos, però, ha ammesso che c’era una certa affinità fra loro: “Quella sera siamo andati davvero d’accordo. Abbiamo parlato per tutta la sera, e la gente si è accorta di quanto fossimo in sintonia”.

I Beckham has never been negato with the decision to accuse him of infidelity, but he also speaks for the first time that he has had his relationship. Victoria Beckham has confessed that the titoli of her birthdays were the same as the scandal of the “more difficult” period of her life: she felt “uno non c’era più per l’altra” and “sembrava che il mondo fossa contro di noi “. When his marriage faced an epochal crisis, Beckham felt “malato ogni giorno”.

Victoria if she transferred to Spain to star with David, in 2005 she was also born in Cruz. Speaking of how to overcome the difficulty of Madrid, Beckham said: “Victoria is always for me, it’s incredibly difficult to do, my battle is at hand, at what moment, I have to do one for the other. Have a good fight for our family. E valeva la pena di lottare per quello che avevamo. But what happened in my life and thought: “Come andrò a lavorare? How far have you arrived at the campo for the arrival? Come farò a far enda che non ci sia niente che non va?”.

The copy if definitively released in 2007 with the transfer to Los Angeles, did David and he played for the Los Angeles Galaxy. “Ero così sollevato di rescire da una situazione difficult as quella che avevo vissuto en Spagna. In Los Angeles it was always simpler: it was easier to find a house, it was easier to find school, no, there was a linguistic barrier. E, così, tutti i miei sogni si sono avverati”. The prossimo year the coppia will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the marriage the year prossimo.

E Rebecca Loos, che fine ha fatto? If you say you have 1 million sterling dollars to intervene and welcome your conversation in your relationship. Negli Anni Duemila participated in a diverse reality show, like Love Island. Ora ha 42 anni, è appassionata di yoga e vive en Norway, en un villaggio di montagna, con il marito, il medico Sven Christjar Skaiaa. La coppia ha due figli.

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