Alstom wants to operate its own passenger train service in the UK

For the first time Alstom will operate its own rail service in the UK from 2025 The world's second largest railway manufacturer recalls that it...

United Kingdom: growth restarts in January

The British economy regained momentum in January with growth of 0.2% month on month, driven by retail trade and construction, generating hopes that it...

Autonomous tractors arrive at the port of Felixstowe (United Kingdom)

The port of Felixstowe, not far from Ipswich in the east of England, is one of the largest terminals in Europe. It is gradually...

London announces 245 million pounds to help Ukraine stock up on munitions

The United Kingdom announced on Saturday £245 million (287 million euros) to help Ukraine replenish its munitions two years after the start of the...

Resurgence of Ancient Ailments: Eco-Impact on UK Health

“Victorian era” diseases are on the rise across the Channel. Health professionals are warning in particular of poverty and malnutrition which are increasing in...


