Evening Star


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Europe Unites Against Russian Aggression: Moldova’s Stand

Emmanuel Macron yesterday presented the outlines of a "political and geopolitical clarification of the European Union", before participating in a pan-European summit in Chisinau,...

UK Government’s Crackdown On Youth Vaping: Initiating Strong Measures

A loophole that allows the e-cigarette industry to distribute free samples to children is to be closed after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unveiled plans...

Reviving Brazil-Venezuela Relations: Lula’s Meeting With Maduro

Brazil and Venezuela today sanction a full resumption of bilateral relations, interrupted due to political contingencies and unexplained reasons. This was stated by the...

Incident in Kosovo: Italian Soldiers Suffer Multiple Injuries

41 KFOR soldiers, including 11 Italians, were injured in the serious clashes between NATO troops and Serbian demonstrators in Zvecan, in northern Kosovo. Of...

Tel Aviv’s Vibrant Color Revolution

For several months, a color revolution had been brewing in Israel. Tens of thousands of citizens demonstrated every Saturday night, mainly in Tel Aviv,...


Socialists Against Von Der Leyen for New EU Commission: Our Support Is Not a Blank Check

European Socialists fear the composition of the next EU...

Northvolt to Suspend Part of Production. Staff Cuts Coming

The electric car market is not growing as expected,...

London-based Puraffinity raises €7.9m to remove PFAS from water; names Vincent Caillaud as new CEO

London-based Puraffinity, a startup developing technologies to remove perfluoroalkyl...

Cannon salute for Charles’ second anniversary on the throne

Cannon salutes, which resounded in the late morning from...