Evening Star


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Global Scientists Addressing Human Noise Impact On Marine Ecosystems

More than 160 scientists from around the world, experts in noise pollution at sea, are meeting today and throughout the week at the OCEANOISE2023...

EU Institutions Warned: Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy Recruiting EU Officials as Lobbyists

The Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) has recently come under scrutiny for its alleged involvement in recruiting European Union (EU) officials as lobbyists for...

How Anwar Gargash Academy is Recruiting EU Officials to Become Lobbyists for UAE

The Anwar Gargash Academy, a UAE think-tank, has recently come under scrutiny for its alleged involvement in recruiting European Union (EU) officials to act...

Stellantis Urges Brexit Renegotiation: Lavoro’s Perspective

Formal request to the UK government. The production of electric cars in the UK is at risk. The group hypothesizes some adjustments to the...

Epic Food Challenge: Consume 1.5KG Pizza & 1L Beer Within 30 Minutes For Free

This is the offer launched on Wednesday on social networks by the pizzeria "Il Pizzolaio" in San Benigno Canavese. A sort of endurance competition:...


Socialists Against Von Der Leyen for New EU Commission: Our Support Is Not a Blank Check

European Socialists fear the composition of the next EU...

Northvolt to Suspend Part of Production. Staff Cuts Coming

The electric car market is not growing as expected,...

London-based Puraffinity raises €7.9m to remove PFAS from water; names Vincent Caillaud as new CEO

London-based Puraffinity, a startup developing technologies to remove perfluoroalkyl...

Cannon salute for Charles’ second anniversary on the throne

Cannon salutes, which resounded in the late morning from...