The health of Kate and Charles III worries the British


In the space of ninety minutes, the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, and King Charles III panicked many Britons and followers of the royal family on Wednesday. It all started with the publication of a press release by Kensington Palace, the family residence of the sovereign’s eldest son, William: “Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales has been admitted to the London Clinic for planned abdominal surgery .

The operation was successful and she is expected to remain in hospital for ten to fourteen days before returning home to continue her recovery. She “should not resume her public activities before Easter”, that is to say March 31. Prince William has revised his schedule to stay with her. The text also specifies that the patient wanted “her personal medical information to remain private”. She will therefore only communicate when “new significant information” arises.

Social networks reacted quickly. It is rather rare for the royal family to detail the medical treatment of one of its members to this extent. Even if the operation was planned and therefore does not seem to mark a particular emergency, the daily newspaper “The Times” notes that “the fact that the Princess of Wales must remain in hospital for a fortnight indicates that it is This is quite a serious operation, especially for a young and healthy woman. In order to reassure citizens concerned about his state of health, the palace unofficially announced that the operation was not linked to cancer.

The star of the royal family

Over the past two years, Kate has indeed become one of the royal family’s favorite personalities. If the British for a time preferred the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan, the turmoil caused by the American and her husband, Prince Harry, caused her to lose most of her support. Today, 46% of British people do not like it and only 26% of them have a positive image of it, according to the YouGov institute. Conversely, Kate is appreciated by 63% of those questioned and poorly perceived by only 13% of them.

The result of extensive communication work. She takes care to dress in mainstream brands, participates in numerous charitable operations and goes out regularly with her children. She “likes bodybuilding and running” and trains with a personal trainer, also specifies “The Times”. A perfect portrait of a modern and down-to-earth woman for the future sovereign.

Prostate problem

An hour and a half after this announcement, Buckingham Palace revealed that King Charles III would be operated on next week “for an enlarged prostate”. His condition is considered “benign,” according to the press release. The appearance of numerous cameras in front of the London royal palace, after others were installed in front of the private clinic where the Princess of Wales is being treated, nevertheless marks the concern of the media and the British: no operation is truly benign at 75 years old.

The possibility of his disappearance has now crept into everyone’s minds. At a time when the United Kingdom is experiencing a deep political crisis, with a conservative party in power torn apart and supported by only 20% of the population, according to a YouGov poll published Thursday, no one wants such an outcome.

This article is originally published on


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