July 26: News, Events, Curiosities | Almanac


Today the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Anne and Saint Joachim. Sant’Anna is considered the patroness of pregnant women and grandparents. San Gioacchino, her husband, is the patron saint of fathers of families, grandparents and workers in the textile industry

The date of July 26 offers us a rich mixture of historical events, religious celebrations and curiosities of the world.
From the tragic executions of spies during the Cold War to space missions and planetary discoveries, this day marked several moments of international significance. In the field of the arts, July 26 saw the birth of talented authors and actors, leaving an indelible mark on global culture. As we honor the Saints and reflect on history, Helen Keller’s quote inspires us to live with courage and passion, making our lives an adventure worth living.


July 26 is an important date for the Catholic liturgical calendar as it is dedicated to two highly revered saints: Sant’Anna and San Gioacchino. Sant’Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, is considered the patroness of pregnant women and grandparents. San Gioacchino, her husband, is the patron saint of fathers of families, grandparents and workers in the textile industry.

Historical events

1953: In New York, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed by electric chair after being convicted of spying for the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
1956: Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal, sparking an international crisis with the United Kingdom, France and Israel.
1971: Apollo 15, the ninth mission of the Apollo space program, departs for the Moon, carrying astronaut David Scott as mission commander.
2005: Space shuttle Discovery launches on mission STS-114, marking the return of the shuttles to space following the 2003 Columbia accident.

Events around the world

2003: In Iran, an earthquake measuring 6.4 hits the province of Kerman, killing about 300 people.
2016: Tokyo, Japan marks the hottest day on record with temperatures exceeding 40°C (104°F).
2019: The Indian government revokes the autonomous status of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, leading to increased tension in the area.
Curious news
1866: Beatrix Potter, English author and illustrator of popular children’s stories, including “Peter Rabbit,” was born.
1943: During World War II, the Fascist leader Benito Mussolini is arrested after being dismissed from the Grand Council of Fascism.
1952: Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, Trinidadian-British writer and essayist, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature, was born.
2016: The discovery of the ninth planet of the solar system, initially named “Planet Nine” or “Planet X”, is announced.

Celebrities born on July 26th

Sandra Bullock, Academy Award-winning American actress.
Mick Jagger, singer, songwriter and member of the Rolling Stones.

Kate Beckinsale, British actress famous for her roles in “Pearl Harbor” and “Underworld”.
Aldous Huxley, British writer and philosopher, author of the famous dystopian novel “Brave New World”.

Celebrities who died on July 26th

1993: Mia Martini, famous Italian singer known for songs like “Minuetto” and “Almeno tu nell’universo”.
2012: Lupe Ontiveros, Mexican-American actress known for her role in “Selena” and “Desperate Housewives”.
2017: Sam Shepard, American actor and playwright, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Playwriting.

Aphorism of the day

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

This article is originally published on infocilento.it


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